Reiki Sessions:

 $60 donation per session  -  In House (Upcountry Maui)   
 $75 donation per session  -  Call out

    * Kama'aina Discounts Available

Sessions typically last between 40 to 60 minutes and can be arranged Monday through Sunday in the morning, afternoon, or evening.  

During a session calm music is played and you may either sit in a chair or lay on a massage table, whichever feels more comfortable for you.

Reiki is a non-invasive technique and during the session I will place my hands on/over various areas of your body.

Almost everyone experiences a deep, deep feeling of relaxation and most experience the sensation of warmth wherever my hands are placed (Others have experienced a sensations of coldness or tingling).

Healing Sessions:

 $85 donation per session  -  In House (Upcountry Maui)   
 $100 donation per session  -  Call out

    * Kama'aina Discounts Available

Healing sessions start with a Reiki Healing Attunement followed by a Reiki session.

The Healing Attunement is highly effective in removing negative energies and/or empowering ones goals. When given before a Reiki session, the healing provided during the Reiki session is often more enhanced. A Reiki Aura Clearing may also be performed before the Reiki session.

Healing sessions last between 60 to 90 minutes and can be arranged Monday through Sunday in the morning, afternoon, or evening.    

Reiki Sessions for Animals:

 $25 Love Donation per session - Call Out Only

Animals seem to love Reiki and can benefit greatly from treatments. Some animals may be get a little nervous when they first experience the energy but normally calm down within a few minutes, especially once they realize that it is helping them. Others fall in love with the first touch. I never force Reiki on an animal that, for whatever reason, does not desire treatment.   

Reiki is used in many animal shelters, rescue facilities and sanctuaries to relieve physical, mental and emotional stress, to provide physical healing, and at times spiritual healing. Reiki can provide help with behavioral issues and is also be very beneficial to help calm and ease the pain and suffering of an animal during the dying process.

Reiki Training:

For Reiki Training please visit:


Reiki is truly amazing and
should be experienced by everyone

To Schedule a Reiki Session please email me. Mahalo!

To Receive your Card reading(s) please visit my Card Readings page.


Located in Pukalani
Maui, Hawai'i